These are the core podcast that we believe to be the most important when it comes to our entire podcast series. These are free to everyone, but these are more the broad strokes to our podcasts, we are constantly building our podcast library of more detailed and more in depth information that is apart of our lifetime membership.
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 02
Adjustable Storage Shelving & Sustainment for Crisis & Contingency Planning After being ask on numerous occasions what would be a simple budget system to be prepared for almost any crisis or catastrophe and the countless hours of research. We believe this is a simple and affordable storage and supply setup is a starting point solution to set yourself up for the uncertainty the future holds. Whether the COVID19 Virus comes back in waves. Rioting, looting, and civil unrest grows throughout the US due to the social climate. Or some sort of black swan event happens like in the Black Autumn book. This is a way of starting your preparedness position. It doesnt cost much and you can actively utilize everything that on the shelving and cycle it out as often as the seasons pass so you never have to worry about being caught off guard. That way if something crazy does come across our path you're only grabbing last minute supplies rather than everything you need to survive.
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 03
Kit Set Up Kit set up is going to be essential for self defense and the protection of your family, friends, and communities. This basic set up will outline that objective, and ensure that you have what you need for success. Keep these things in mind when setting up your kit.
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 04
Helmet Setup COMING SOON
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 05
Night Vision, Sights, Lights, & Lasers - Selection & Setup COMING SOON
When it comes to setting your kit up for the night it can become an overwhelming experience. Between Helmet Setup, Night Vision Devices, Sights, Lights, Lasers, Podcast Outline:
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 06
Rifle Setup When it comes to rifle set ups there's a lot that you can get into. Our recommendation is this. If you're going to build multiple rifles varying in lengths. Build as many of them as close as possible. Keep these things in mind when setting up your rifle.
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 07
Pistol Setup Keep these things in mind when setting up your Pistol.
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 08
Plate Carriers Market & Selection COMING SOON
Plate Carrier & Companies
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 09
Gun Belts, Pistol Holsters, & Mag Carriers Market & Selection COMING SOON
Holster Company Recommendations
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 10
Odds & Ends Pouches, Accessories, Clothing, and Companies COMING SOON
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 11
Gear and Load Out Bags, Boxes, & Cases COMING SOON
Gear Boxes
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 12
Equipment Moding Kit COMING SOON
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 13
Radios & Communication Devices COMING SOON
Crash Course Podcast - Episode 14
Vehicle Setup COMING SOON
Episode 16 Preparedness Mindset / 17 / 18 / 19 / 20
Episode 17 - Firearms Maintenance and Repair Tool Kit
Episode 18 - Reloading
Episode 19 - Contingency Currency
Episode 20 - Contingency Planning
Episode 21 - Permiculture / Homesteading
Episode 22 - Establishing your preparedness skill and abilities
Building the skills and abilities that will make you money and help you be more prepared over time.
Side Hustles comms med gun smithing coms construction electritian plumber ac/heat gen contractor / handyman |